Monday, August 25, 2008

AP writers back to writing disaster movie scripts instead of news

How many times is the AP going to treat us to the Day After Tomorrow Part II?

Headline: Climate Change Could Wreck New York's Bridges, Tunnels

Since Michael Bloomberg didn't make a big enough ass of himself with his windmill idea, he decided to try again:
The Climate Change Adaptation Task Force met Tuesday for the first time as part of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's plan to address global warming in New York City, which already includes orders to switch the city's taxi fleet to hybrids by 2012 and to retrofit city buildings to meet greener standards.

I bet they call themselves: CCAT Force.
Experts on the panel said the potential consequences of global warming could include more frequent storms, flooding throughout the city's coastal and lowland areas, repeated blackouts on a power grid stressed to its limits and bridges that deteriorate under the heat.

"We have to adapt to the environmental changes that have already taken place, or that we can reasonably expect will occur because of climate change," Bloomberg said.

Bridges that deteriorate under the heat? WTF do they make their bridges out of in NY, salt water taffy?

And what exactly does switching taxis to hybrids do for global climate change? What ever happened to cost-benefit analysis?

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