Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Tentacles Of ACORN

ACORN is mad and they are fighting back. In fact they are down right pissed that anyone has noticed the fraudulent voting and they are not going to take this without lying about the whole thing.

"We appreciate Senator McCain's effort to stir up the Republican base by attacking a community organization working to increase public participation in our democratic process. However, these attacks reflect an increasingly panicked candidate."

Here's a the state by state graphic.

But ACORN is much more than a vote-fruad organization. Here are the statements from their "campaigns." Seems like every one of their campaigns ends up with ACORN getting a lot of public funding.
In Chicago, ACORN fought to get certified teachers in every classroom. In order to curb youth related crime, our members organized an anti-violence rally in which more than 100 members participated. As a result, city officials awarded $12 million to ACORN to put toward new after-school and weekend programs.

ACORN has facilitated statewide education reform in Illinois, working with a coalition of community organizations, to create the Grow Your Own Teacher program. The program recruits teacher candidates from among paraprofessionals and active parents in hard-to-staff schools, and involves 587 teacher candidates, more than 50 percent of whom are African American and 25 percent Latino. GYOT ACORN has been approved for a third year of funding by the state legislature at $3 million.

Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon has established a housing fund with an initial deposit of $2 million to which additional monies will be generated through bonds and resource campaigns.

ACORN doesn't stop there. They are helping to negotiate blackmail utilities into sub market rates for energy.
In Delaware, ACORN pushed off-shore wind farm Blue Water to agree to set the price of wind power, distributed through Delmarva Power, at an affordable rate of $6.76-$8.92 for 25 years. ACORN has been concerned that expensive wind power could add $11.71-$55 per month to energy bills.

ACORN Fair Housing is a federally funded program through the Office of Housing and Urban Development’s(HUD) Fair Housing Initiatives Program ( FHIP) grant. It is our mission to prevent and eliminate discriminatory housing practices. ACORN Fair Housing Organization works to ensure equal housing opportunity by providing a variety of services through outreach, education and enforcement.

Not only that. ACORN proudly boasts about their role in getting the housing crash started. What they don't mention is the lawsuit they filed with Obama to force lenders to give money to people without a reasonable expectation of getting repaid.
No other organization has fought harder to increase access to credit for low-income and minority families than ACORN, but predatory lending is threatening to reverse the progress we have made. Beginning in the 1980s, ACORN fought against redlining and discrimination and for greater community investment. ACORN Housing was founded to provide free education and counseling to help low-income people become homeowners.

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